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Client-side form validation is a crucial aspect of web development that ensures data integrity and enhances the user experience. In this comprehensive...
Validating form values is an important step in ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the data being collected. One popular tool for this task is Joi,...
Here is my four years of learning journey in four minutes · At this date, I can call myself a full-stack javascript developer. Let me walk you through my...
We will use nodemailer, Cloudflare, and Zoho mail to set up and send email using node js · We will look at the easy and free way to send emails using...
This is the project that I submitted for the recent online hackathon and I want to share how you can also build this app. · Idea The main idea of the app...
Let's learn about web APIs, even loop, call stack and many more · Now let's go from the definition of javascript all the way up to understanding how it...